Title IX

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to safe learning for all students and a professional workplace for its employees; as such we take active measures against all discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and sex-based harassment, including violence and any type of sexual misconduct.

These behaviors are demeaning and interfere with the rights of others to pursue their education and/or employment in an atmosphere that is safe and respectful. While University policy obviously addresses overt acts of harassment and assault, any sexual contact without consent and any sex-based misconduct are strictly prohibited.

Examples of violating and unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • Behavior that targets, threatens, and/or demeans a person based on their sex
  • Sexual contact without consent, including while a person is incapacitated
  • Sexual exploitation of another person, such as posting sexual pictures on social media
  • Coercion for sexual contact, including threatening or intimidating a person for sexual contact
  • Interpersonal violence such as stalking and/or intimate partner violence

We want to help!

Any community member who believes he or she has been the victim of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sex-based harassment, including any interpersonal violence or sexual misconduct is encouraged to report the matter. Students and employees may utilize the following information about various resources for support and reporting:

Students who witness or learn of another person becoming the victim of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sex-based harassment, including any interpersonal violence or sexual misconduct are urged to seek help.

For a confidential conversation to learn about safety and support measures, reporting and response options, and off-campus options:

  • Prevention and Education Coordinator
    Emma Dougherty
    Human Resources & Compliance
    Old Main 1st Floor

The following members of the University community have been specifically trained on Title IX, VAWA, and Clery Act regulations, as well as responding to and investigating reports:

Title IX Coordinator
Hannah McBride (Coord. for Title IX & Clery Compliance)    

Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Doug Wood (Dean of Students)

Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Brooke Good (Asst. Director of Athletics/Senior Women's Administrator)


Inquiries may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, or Deputy Coordinators identified above. 

Inquiries may also be referred to the Office for Civil Rights, United States, Department of Education.  To find the office that serves your area, call 800-421-3481.


If you believe that you have experienced sexual harm or interpersonal violence, know that you have these specific resources: Resources and Reporting Options

For the specific rights of those who have experienced sexual harm or interpersonal violence:

For the specific rights of those who have been accused of causing sexual harm or interpersonal violence:

Campus Resources

  • General Questions, and Concerns: Prevention & Education Coordinator – Emma Dougherty, x7085
  • Campus Safety and Security: Department of Safety – x6005 (24 Hour Dispatch); Emergencies, x6565
  • Safety & Police Reporting Info: Department of Safety – Brad Neuenschwander, Director of Safety, x2467
  • Counseling and Emotional Support Services: Engle Center – x5357
  • Health Services: Engle Center – x6035
  • ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Campus Ministries – 717-691-6017


Off-Campus Resources

Police Information:

  • Upper Allen Twp. Police (Cumberland County): 911
  • Carroll Twp. Police (York County): 717-766-0249

Medical Treatment:

  • Harrisburg Hospital: 717-221-6250
  • Carlisle Regional Medical Center: 717-249-1212
  • Holy Spirit Hospital: 717-763-2100
  • Pinnacle Health West Shore Hospital: 717-791-2400

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services:

  • Cumberland County Advocacy & Rape Crisis Services:
    • HOTLINE: 1-888-727-2877
  • Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties
    • HOTLINE: 1-800-852-2102