Loaner laptop

Loaner laptops are available on a first come, first served basis at the university for a limited period of time. If an enrolled graduate student’s personal laptop needs repaired or replaced, they may pick up a loaner for up to two weeks of use.

Graduate students who are in need of a loaner laptop should contact the director of graduate student services and compliance, explaining the circumstance of need. The director will make the determination based on the student’s need and loaner laptop inventory. Most students will be allotted up to two weeks’ time to have the loaner laptop. Students must fill out the loaner laptop / equipment request form through the following link: . Technology Support Services prepares the loaner for each approved student, making them the administrator. Students may pick up and drop off the loaner from Technology Support Services along with a signed copy of the loaner agreement. All loaners are reimaged prior to the next time a laptop is out on loan.