The Ernest L. Boyer Center at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ has endeavored to focus its mission on stewarding the Boyer legacy. Crucial elements of this mission include interpreting Boyer’s visionary impact on education and society for future generations of scholars and students, facilitating access to the rich body of resources in the Center’s archival collection, and infusing contemporary educational discourse with commitments to the common good.
An integral contributor to ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ and the larger academic community, the Center sponsors an array of activities, including symposia, seminars, and digital exhibits, aimed at promoting awareness and commitment to educational excellence for the common good. Through all of these initiatives, the Center strives to provide the larger educational community with the space to reflect systematically toward a deeper understanding of the interconnections between educational quality and societal well-being and for identifying generative ways to advance education for the common good.
Ernest Boyer was a hero of mine. As a leader in higher education, he believed that every student experience offered opportunities to add value to their education. Through the Ernest L. Boyer Center, we can keep Boyer's legacy alive for the next generation of educators.
-William McDonald, Vice President for Student Affairs at Presbyterian College, Editor of Creating Campus Community: In Search of Boyer's Legacy