Alternate Text Agreement

A qualifying student must have this signed agreement on file with the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Office of Academic Accessibility in order to be provided with alternate text accommodations.

Alternative text format is provided exclusively to students with verified disabilities that support the accommodation.  Alternate text is provided for the use of the qualifying student only.  Students using these accommodations are required to verify that they have purchased a print copy of the text, which is protected by copyright law.  All materials related to alternate text are on loan to the student only for the semester of the course for which the book is required and must be returned to the Office of Academic Accessibility at the end of the semester.

Books that are scanned are reproduced by permission of the publisher.  Any further reproduction or distribution in a format other than a specialized format is an infringement on copyright laws.  The book title, author, copyright information and publisher are listed near the front of each text.

If electronic files are not provided by the publisher, the qualifying student may be asked to provide his/her own print copy of the text to the Office of Academic Accessibility to cut for scanning.  The Office of Academic Accessibility will be responsible to re-bind the book at the student’s request.



Office of Academic Accessibility


Alternative Text Agreement



Alternative text format is provided exclusively to students with verified disabilities that support the accommodation.  Alternate text is provided for the use of the qualifying student only.  Students using these accommodations are required to verify that they have purchased a print copy of the text, which is protected by copyright law.  All materials related to alternate text are on loan to the student only for the semester of the course for which the book is required and must be returned to the Office of Academic Accessibility at the end of the semester.

Books that are scanned are reproduced by permission of the publisher.  Any further reproduction or distribution in a format other than a specialized format is an infringement on copyright laws.  The book title, author, copyright information and publisher are listed near the front of each text.

If electronic files are not provided by the publisher, the qualifying student may be asked to provide his/her own print copy of the text to the Office of Academic Accessibility to cut for scanning.  The Office of Academic Accessibility will be responsible to re-bind the book at the student’s request.

I understand the Alternate Text Agreement of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Office of Academic Accessibility as outlined above.  I understand that failure to abide by this agreement in a manner that adheres to copyright law shall constitute a violation of the Community Covenant of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ and/or the policies of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Office of Academic Accessibility and may result in suspension of alternate text services, among other legal and university sanctions.  By way of this document and my signature below, I agree to abide by this agreement.

Signed ______________________________________          Date _______________


Print name    _______________________________


Signature     ________________________________


Date   _______________________