Eating Disorders

Getting Help

Although you may not understand what started your eating disorder, it can begin to feel like you're locked into a nightmare you can't get out of- at least not by yourself. The decision to get help for an eating disorder is often a difficult decision to make and most people who come for help do so with a great deal of ambivalence. They want to stop feeling so sad or afraid or discouraged, but they are terrified that "getting better" may involve eating more and even gaining weight. They may resent seeing a counselor, because they feel pressured to come to counseling by friends or family members. They may even come to see a counselor for help, but hide the fact that their eating is disordered and instead ask for help for "stress" or relationship troubles or depression. And although they may get some relief from these problems, it is short lived, because it isn't possible to live a healthy, satisfying life while being controlled by an eating disorder.

If you know, or suspect, you have an eating disorder there are things you can do:

One of the best things you can do to help yourself is to learn about eating disorders. In our Internet Resources area we've listed some great eating disorder sites on the web. In addition to information, many of these sites include links to interactive resources, like online support groups, chats, and mailing lists.

Tell someone you trust about what you are going through.
Yes, that's scary to do, but you need the support of people who care. This is often the hardest, but most important,  first step in your journey of recovery.  Letting others care about you is one of the best ways to learn how to care about yourself and opens the door to healing and restoration.

Let us help you. You are NOT alone with your eating disorder- we've helped many other ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ students who've struggled like you are struggling now. Our services are free and confidential for ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ students. We provide counseling with trained therapists and nutritional support from a Registered Dietician experienced in working with the special needs of college students. Check out the Our Services area for more information on how we can help.