Contact the Department of Business

To learn about admission to ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, or to contact an enrollment specialist, please visit our Admissions site. Otherwise, please feel free to contact any of us in the Business program via email or phone: 717-796-1800 (extensions listed below)

Office Contact Information:

Mindy Lange- 122 Frey Hall X7127- mlange@messiah.edu, Department of Business/International Business Institute Office

Faculty Contact Information:

- 121 Frey Hall- x2883- ababyak@messiah.edu Assistant Dean of Business/Department Chair/Associate Professor of Management

Michael Dolislager- 126 Frey Hall- x2885- mdolislager@messiah.edu Associate Professor of Economic Development

Jennifer J. Dose- 123 Frey Hall- x2320 jdose@messiah.edu Professor of Management

David J. Hagenbuch - 125 Frey Hall - x7256 - dhagenbu@messiah.edu  Professor of Marketing

Kathleen Johnston- 127 Frey Hall- x2408- kjohnston@messiah.edu Associate Professor of Accounting

Laura McNear - 131 Frey Hall- x6990 - lmcnear@messiah.edu Assistant Professor of Accounting

Ron - 130 Frey Hall - x5364 -  rjones@messiah.edu  Managing Director - International Business Institute

Rodney Sauder- 129 Frey Hall- x2884, rsauder@messiah.edu  Assistant Professor of Accounting

Dwayne Safer- 135 Frey Hall- X2581, dsafer@messiah.edu  Associate Professor of Finance

Keith A. Quesenberry- 128 Frey Hall- X2886, kquesenberry@messiah.edu Professor of Marketing

Michael Zigarelli-  Frey Hall- X2327, mzigarelli@messiah.edu Professor of Leadership and Strategy