Emmett Till Screening

Emmett Till Screening

  • Date: October 12th, 2022
  • Location: Off campus
  • Time: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Cost: FREE

The Office of Diversity Affairs, History Club, BSU, and HRA invite you to attend a free private screening of the brand-new movie TILL at AMC Theaters Camp Hill. TILL, tells the story of a young African American boy Emmett who is brutally lynched while staying with his cousins in the south. His death would go on to shake American citizens and be the wakeup call that started the Civil Rights Movement. The film brings the story to life and makes audiences feel, for the first time, what the loss of Emmett meant to so many people. We will offer a post showing discussion to help process the film. We had 100 tickets, but it may be less than that now.

Here is the sign up link:

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