Life Hacks-Upper Class (Res Life)

Life Hacks-Upper Class (Res Life)

  • Date: October 11th, 2022
  • Location: Frey Hall 110 - Alexander Auditorium
  • Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Cost: FREE

ResLife partnered with Student Financial Services will teach students various lessons surrounding the them of finances and money management. Free food/snacks, great people, and RAFFLE PRIZES!

Life Hacks is an educational program that offers workshops geared towards students’ success in a number of different areas, partnering with colleagues Student Financial Services. There will be snacks, ResLife crew, and solid support resources in Frey 110. Topics that will be covered: “Can my money make more money?” (Credit & Saving) “In terms of money, we have no money.” (Achieving Financial Success) “What does God say about money?” (Stewardship) Location: Frey Alexander Auditorium 110 Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm – dinner & raffle included! Bonuses: Raffle prizes! Chick-fil-a sammies! Meeting campus connections who can help you figure out money matters!

Life hacks poster