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Mr. Hayes also directed the S.T.A.R.T. program, extending from his deep commitment to educational access and equity. Mr. Hayes loved connecting with people and exhibited a pure joy in teaching. The Murk-Hayes Endowed Award seeks to recognize a teacher certification candidate who has a demonstrated interest and capacity for serving K-12 educators in urban contexts. In the large majority of cases, this is an add-on award and will be added to, not substituted for, any financial aid the recipient already receives. The award is open to candidates of any Ӱ teacher certification program. The award will be divided in half and disbursed evenly in fall and spring during the senior year. Application Packet Must Include: Application Form Resume Essay Application Process A. Announcement of the award will be made annually to Ӱ faculty and students B. Completed application packets must be submitted by email  HYPERLINK "mailto:teacheredprog@messiah.edu" teacheredprog@messiah.edu by noon of the last Thursday of February. D. Applicants will be evaluated by the Teacher Education Committee Awards Sub-committee, made up of representatives from several academic departments. E. Written verification of the award will be completed no later than May 1. F. In the unlikely event that no student meets the qualifications of this award, no award will be given that year. Eligibility Requirements Enrolled in the Teacher Education Program in good academic standing Senior status for the semesters when the award will be received. Resume and completed Application Form Required Essay: The winning essay will be read by the winner at a public awards ceremony. This scholarship is for students who plan to teach in an urban setting. Please answer the three questions in the description below in 500 words or fewer. Urban schools are always in need of talented, passionate teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of their students. Sadly, the schools that need teachers the most are the ones that have the most difficulty finding teachers. Urban schools need dedicated educators who will remain committed to their students. The jobs exist, but many teachers are intimidated by the idea of working with limited resources, teaching in impoverished areas or leading overcrowded classes. The general conception of urban schools is that their lagging performance has to do with teachers who are not dedicated, as well as students facing a range of issues including truancy, inattentiveness, undiagnosed learning disabilities, language barriers and ill preparedness. But a great teacher has a passion for teaching that can transcend these difficulties. Great teachers want to make a difference and are satisfied more by the impact they have on peoples lives than the tangible rewards. Why have you chosen to become an urban educator? What will you bring to your students, and how will you deal with the inequalities of teaching in an urban setting? Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society, as measured by the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity, and social privileges. In Western as well as in older Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society. In the current global grassroots movements for social justice, the emphasis has been on the breaking of barriers for social mobility, the creation of safety nets and economic justice. Why and how will you teach for social justice? Retention of the Award If at any time a recipient falls below the award acceptance standards, the case will be referred to the Teacher Education Committee for possible withdrawal of the award. Murk-Hayes Endowed Award Application Name:LastFirstMiddle InitialDate FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Current Address:StreetCityState, Zip FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Permanent Address:StreetCityState, Zip FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Phone NumberEmail Address FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Messiah Ce,-4567IhD E  D F ] l m t   = N } ./0NObc h 5 h}5h} hSy@hS^ hS^ h*4ahS^ hw5h]9 hS^ hO<ho~^ hJhJhJh  hJ5hS^ hO<5 h]95hS^ hO<>* h*4a5 hS^ 5<,-56 0AHNOcuZ+l & Fxgd]9gd 0x^`0gd  & Fxgd xgdHe$a$-/0IJKO  *+OqVĿў{p{p{h5>**(((5>**(((*(((5B*(((5B*(((O<h]9hS^ hO<5 hS^ 5 h( 5h*4ahS^ hHehL0hE0J hEhEhEjhEUhh} hS^ hO<(l{VM|}|~$a$gdS^ `^``xgdHexgd hd,-DM ^hgd( hdd-DM [$\$^hgd( h-DM [$\$^hgd( & Fxgd  & Fxgd]9M|}.|~.02<>@BVXZdfhj~Ŀyky]yjhSy@hS^ Uj(hSy@hS^ U jhSy@hS^ UmHnHujhSy@hS^ UjhSy@hS^ U hSy@hS^ hLFhS^ 5 hS^ 5hS^ hS^ 5 h]95 hS^ h bh hS^ hO< hHehO< h(5hhh5>*B*phfffhhB*phfff$  $IfgdS^ $a$gdS^ @hH????? $IfgdS^ kd$$Iflr J$X @ b t0V%644 laytS^ &(68:NP^`bvx  "$246JLZ{mj hSy@hS^ UjlhSy@hS^ UjhSy@hS^ UjhSy@hS^ UjhSy@hS^ UjThSy@hS^ UjhSy@hS^ U jhSy@hS^ UmHnHujhSy@hS^ UjhSy@hS^ U hSy@hS^ * HC:::: $IfgdS^ gdS^ kd$$Iflr J$X @ b t0V%644 laytS^  8`[RRRR $IfgdS^ kd<$$Ifl\bJ$b t0644 laytS^ [VMMMM $IfgdS^ gdS^ kd<$$Ifl\bJ$b t0644 laytS^  4\[RRRR $IfgdS^ kd$$Ifl\pJ$xb t0644 laytS^ \^`z[VMM $IfgdS^ gdS^ kd$$Ifl\pJ$xb t0644 laytS^ xx $IfgdS^ }kd$$Ifl0$,* t0644 laytS^ @&@,@.@0@D@F@H@R@T@d@f@z@|@~@@@@@@@@@@NAPARATApArAtABHcHdH~n~~djhEPJUjp hSy@hS^ PJUhSy@hS^ PJjhSy@hS^ PJU hSy@h( hS^ jt hSy@hS^ Ujx hSy@hS^ U jhSy@hS^ UmHnHuj| hSy@hS^ UhUjhSy@hS^ Uj hSy@hS^ U hSy@hS^ '.@V@|ss $IfgdS^ gdS^ }kd $$Ifl0$,* t0644 laytS^ rtification Program(s) FORMTEXT      Minor FORMTEXT      Concentration FORMTEXT       Other materials required for application: 1. Resume 2. 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