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One award of $3000 will be made to the recipient during their senior year. The Application Packet Must Include Application Form Resume Essay response to the question noted below. Eligibility Requirements of Applicants Academic Performance: Minimum of 3.60 cumulative GPA Junior Level status at time of application Admission into the Teacher Education Program Minimum of 45 credits completed at Ӱ Service and Leadership: Membership in professional education organizations, for example EAMU, IRA, NCTM, NAEYC Evidence of participation in community involvement activities, university-related activities, leadership roles, and voluntary service activities. Resume and completed Application Form Application packets can be submitted electronically to  HYPERLINK "mailto:teacheredprog@messiah.edu" teacheredprog@messiah.edu. Resume must highlight honors, awards recognitions, university activities, community and service activities, and leadership roles. Essay: Dr. Boyer once summarized the ideals of his Basic School this way: The Basic School has, as the first requirement, a clear and vital mission. The school is a place where everyone comes together to promote learning. Every classroom is, itself, a community. But in the Basic School, the separate classrooms are connected by a sense of purpose, in a climate that is communicative, just, disciplined, and caring, with occasions for celebration. Compose a two to three page essay describing your own ideals and goals for teaching and the qualities you hope to develop to realize them. The winner will read excerpts from the essay at a public awards ceremony. Approval of the applicants major department and the Teacher Education Committee. Application Process for Award Announcement of the scholarship will be made annually to the faculty and students. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Teacher Education Program Assistant who will forward all applications to the Chair of the Awards Committee. Applications must be submitted by 12:00 noon on the last Thursday in February. The Committee will conduct an interview with the finalists. Written verification of the award will be completed by May 1. In the unlikely event that no student meets the qualifications for this award, no award will be given that year. The Ernest L. Boyer, Sr., Teacher Scholarship Application Name:LastFirstMiddle InitialDate FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Current Address:StreetCityState, Zip FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Permanent Address:StreetCityState, Zip FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       Phone NumberEmail Address FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       University AttendedDatesDegree received or expected FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT     @AD ^    , a m u G H J L #/OPc|~ᨤhL0hr0J hrhrhrjhrUheh :hIhWwhN nh@6hn h- he h- h@ hN nhnh@h- hE3x hN nh@ h@5hN nh@5 hWw5 h>o}55ABy z  J K    + , B  & Fgd@ & Fgd@ & Fgd@gd@$a$gd@B a  _  kl^gd- ^gdngdn & Fh^hgdn^gd'4 & F 8^gd@ & F 8^gd@ & Fgd@ & F ^gd@ %'(lp.@lmpt.02<rz|j(h-3Ujh-3UmHnHujh-3Ujh-3U hh-3h-3h>o}h@5 h>o}5h :hehN nh@5h- hI hI6hnhn6hn hN nh'4h@ hN nh@2 -.p02>HTr| $Ifgd:d> & Fgd@$a$gd@gd@ & Fgd- |~ H????? $Ifgd:d>kd$$Iflr J$X @ b t0V%644 layt:d>"$DFRT\^rtxz&(02FH߾߾߾߾꾰꾗꾉꥾߾߾߾߾jh h-3UjTh h-3Ujh h-3Ujh h-3U h h-3h@jh-3Ujh-3Uh-3 hh-3jh-3Ujh-3UmHnHu6 "$FT^tHC:::: $Ifgd:d>gd@kd$$Iflr J$X @ b t0V%644 layt:d>tvx[RIII $Ifgd& $Ifgd:d><$$Ifl\bJ$b t0644 layt:d>(2H[VMMMM $Ifgd:d>gd@<$$Ifl\bJ$b t0644 layt:d>HJLt[RIII $Ifgd& $Ifgd:d>$$Ifl\pJ$xb t0644 layt:d>HLNbdrtv&(*>@NPRThtjh-3UmHnHuj h-3UhWwj h h-3Uj h h-3U h h@h@jlh h-3Ujh h-3Ujh h-3Ujh h-3U h h-3jh-3Uh-3-[VMM $Ifgd:d>gd@$$Ifl\pJ$xb t0644 layt:d>(Pxx $Ifgd&}kd$$Ifl0$,* t0644 layt:d>PRT||sss $Ifgd&gd@}kd $$Ifl0$,* t0644 layt:d>:neee $Ifgd&kd| $$IflF$> t06    44 layt-3(*,68<>RTV`bdfz|~@@@@@@@ @*@ڹڮڣژޖڋjh-3UUjth-3Ujh-3Uj h-3Uj~ h-3Uj h-3Uj h-3Uh-3jh-3UmHnHujh-3Uj h-3U6:<dneee $Ifgd&kdr $$IflF$> t06    44 layt-3@.@neee $Ifgd&kdh$$IflF$> t06    44 layt-3  FORMTEXT       Messiah Certification Program FORMTEXT      Certification Program (only for dual certs) FORMTEXT      Minor FORMTEXT      Concentration FORMTEXT       Other materials required for application: 1. Resume 2. Essays  FORMCHECKBOX  I acknowledge that checking this box electronically serves the same purpose as affixing my original signature to this document. Application packets should be emailed to  HYPERLINK "mailto:teacheredprog@messiah.edu" teacheredprog@messiah.edu by noon the last Thursday in February. 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