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[The information here should be a clear and short description of the bottom line of the study. Hold details of the study until later in the document. Briefly give the subjects some background information about why this study is being done, this can inclue information about what is already known and what you hope to learn] Procedures to be followed: Your child will be asked to ___________________.[Describe exactly what subjects can expect. Explain what will happen during the study and how the study will work. Include everything that subjects will be asked to do. Describe all surveys and data collection instruments that subjects will experience. Indicate how long each survey or procedure will take and state how long (e.g. minutes, hours, days, months, until a certain event or endpoint) the subjects will be part of the study.] The investigators may stop the study or take your child out of the study at any time they judge it is in your childs best interest. They may also remove your child from the study for various other reasons. They can do this without your consent. [If appropriate, list any additional reasons why subjects might be taken off the study.] Your child can stop participating at any time. If your child stops he/she will not lose any benefits. Discomforts and Risks: [For example]: There are no risks in participating in this research beyond those experienced in everyday life. [In lay terms, describe any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the participant. A statement must be included to address specific unforeseeable risks, such as risks for women who are able to become pregnant when participants will be recruited from this population.] Benefits: It is reasonable to expect the following benefits from this research: ______________________. However, we cant guarantee that your child will personally experience benefits from participating in this study. Others may benefit in the future from the information we find in this study. Duration/Time: We think this will take him/her ___________minutes to complete the study. [Explain how much time (e.g., 1 hour, 30 minutes) will be required to complete participation in this research. Also explain the period of time during which this participation will occur and the number of sessions required.] Statement of Confidentiality: Your childs name will not be used when data from this study are published. Every effort will be made to keep clinical records, research records, and other personal information confidential. We will take the following steps to keep information confidential, and to protect it from unauthorized disclosure, tampering, or damage: The data will be stored and secured at (location) in a (locked/password protected) file. Ӱs Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects, and the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections may review records related to this research study. In the event of a publication or presentation resulting from the research, no personally identifiable information will be shared. Right to Ask Questions: Please contact ______________ at (XXX) XXX-XXXX with questions, complaints or concerns about this research. You can also call this number if you feel this study has harmed you. Questions about your rights as a research participant may be directed to Ӱs Office of the Provost at (717-766-2511 x5375). You may also call this number if you cannot reach the research team or wish to talk to someone else. Payment for participation: [Explain any compensation that will be provided to participants]. PLEASE NOTE: If participants will not be compensated, state that there is no compensation for participating. Cost of participating: [Explain any additional costs that may result from participation in the research.] PLEASE NOTE: If no additional costs will result from participation, state that there is no cost incurred with participation. Voluntary Participation: Participation in this study is voluntary. Your child has the right not to participate at all or to leave the study at any time. Deciding not to participate or choosing to leave the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which your child is entitled, and it will not harm his/her relationship with _______________. If your child decides to leave the study, the procedure is: _____________________. [Describe procedures for withdrawing and any follow-up that you will request for subjects who withdraw early. Follow-up such as questionnaires that are part of the research cannot be forced upon subjects who wish to withdraw.] You will be given a copy of this consent form for your records. Permission for a Child to Participate in Research As parent or legal guardian, I authorize _________________________________ (childs name) to become a participant in the research study described in this form. Childs Name: ___________________________ Childs Date of Birth: _____________________ Printed Name of Parent or Legal Guardian: _________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian:_______________________________Date: _____________________ Person Obtaining Parental Permission Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________________     MC IRB (7.13) IRB USE ONLY: Project # Ӱ College Institutional Review Board Office of the Provost Approval Date: Expiration Date:   ()*>?B[\npzogzo_oQC5hh_*6CJ]aJhh2i6CJ]aJhh@5~5CJ\aJhDCJaJhCJaJhh_*CJaJh2zCJaJ hh]n56CJ\]aJh56CJ\]aJhh2i6CJ\]aJ hh2i56CJ\]aJhh2i5CJ\aJhh_*>*CJaJh>*CJaJjh1UmHnHujhDUmHnHu*\op  d { f!gd2zh^hgd2z & Fgd2z $@ ^@ a$gd2i$p^p`a$gd2i$p^p`a$gd_$a$gd_$a$gd_   # ' ( . / 1 c ˽yn`Uh2zh9CJaJh2zh_*5CJ\aJhh2iCJaJhhT6CJ]aJhh2i56CJ]aJhh_*CJaJhhi6CJ]aJhh2i6CJ]aJhh@5~6CJ]aJhh2i5CJ\aJhh@5~5CJ\aJhh_*5CJ\aJhh@5~CJaJ _  s } g}~ ΗugYKYh2zh<6CJ]aJh2zh@5~6CJ]aJh2zhH 6CJ]aJh2zhbrCJaJh2zh16CJaJh2zh1CJaJh2zh_*CJaJh2zh2z0J 6CJ]aJ!h2zh2z0J6>*CJ]aJh2zh9CJaJh2zh_*5CJ\aJh2zh@5~CJaJh2zh2z0J >*CJaJh2zh2zCJaJfg-/?ijJKgh/0 & Fgd2zh`hgd2zgd2z & Fgd2zh^hgd2z  ?J-./=?hj $+=ƸƸxƸmmmeZOZh2zh2iCJaJh2zh1CJaJhDCJaJh2zh<CJaJh2zhT6CJ]aJh2zhH 6CJ]aJh2zh_*CJaJh2zh2zCJaJh2zhH 5CJ\aJh2zh_*5CJ\aJh2zh@5~CJaJh2zh<6CJ]aJh2zh@5~6CJ]aJ#h2zh@5~6B*CJ]aJph YIKdefghiɻ߄yk]O]h2zh_*6CJ]aJh2zhi6CJ]aJh2zhH 6CJ]aJh2zhiCJaJh2zh<5CJ\aJh2zhjMGCJaJh2zh1CJaJhDCJaJh2zh9CJaJh2zh_*5CJ\aJh2zhp4CJaJh2zhH CJaJh2zh_*CJaJh2zh<CJaJh2zh2iCJaJ.0Ⱥȯ}o}a}VK=Kh2zh2z0J >*CJaJh2z0J >*CJaJh2zh2zCJaJh2zh75CJ\aJh2zhee6CJ]aJh2zheeCJaJh2zhee5CJ\aJh2zh_*CJaJh2zh_*5CJ\aJhsD5CJ\aJh2zhb5CJ\aJh2zh2i5CJ\aJh2zh15CJ\aJh2zh16CJ]aJh2zh_*6CJ]aJH J L M O P R S U V X Y Z [ \ ] ^ l m n o p q r s v ǿsh>Wh5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJhrzCJaJhCJaJhh]nhCJaJhrheNhM$jhM$Uh2zCJaJhsDCJaJh2zh2z5CJ\aJh2zh2z0JCJaJh2zh_*CJaJh2zh2zCJaJ)rK L N O Q R T U W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ l $a$gd_gdsDgd2zgd2zl m n o p q r s $a$gd_gdz h2zh2zCJaJhM$hhCJaJh>䴳<P1h:pee/ =!`"`#$% Dpn([|xxzPNG  IHDR1isRGB pHYs+tEXtSoftwareMicrosoft Office5q(IDATx^]XUY^ (:c9==؁]#vvbv`**`"z˹ 3Ϭ?>Zz:v>Ǥr8Q,f elll-Y,?O_]gq]S'qL hN@"_wI%g1>r5 XӥM)E;K G;/uLbA$R޾  1I,7>죤LS=W☘ǿ՜93œ'5woSKRrKkR(OX=ջd͒A [2Ej^c沭6y8&I,>} Iբ2{m/mP/J2R>ͰE!V!;46_ل;<lT'ċ_"$^4W%9.Q$ᣔ+G#)}I)<[Eek,e#ú"kw{/>GϙU}GɫWe4_ Y^x:7;ߙk∗ܦQUIkE !/p;Yyu0o7Im# S,ݰWf^'ah׶Q熅INߦN-.ˈ}|Y]V,&wcK6ygX-:$[y,Οr5-*%ݩ=%3iҤB j?}ȼ$A2G7WI㊵R^qWv'^Cʤ2XR%~uq+vH emЩ+/[%bc¡I}yΙHl2ӭq>nC{iQ,[4)x2dI1y6xˌyä{kQyŜ$񋕋b(2۱s[:A9||\'-S$t%kprf`Q85ҦI.-+\~/BH(/9C)3ΛMx -bWo+_y1q.ߒ{j:O aI߉P|!;%_W<`6{v@b14UAZȲtIRtjMc))Yo~$g.ݔ2E5y}-ZkqOf,VpUJIOt$tL$yt|~I+yBgx]jU*a(_Jk z>~LEob$@[PC r\v8$O$#][J֌i so%dUV崤7 c@VR%quU% ̻>˝=\m/,K+n*A^jJȂUJps=q1R,U87j EM]X/qqa,#iIu~ gdhzn.1$Nl/+Na}<I˿t1*%#eߥ[(ƫg/~ 2ihGؤbkYTJn3m;_aۭVbQY|5;4J% XK7˃O]Q\vWKAބED SKpS`[U~aZd{4C4K Q6o?.גŜEVJ}$/5|s*zaM Q=ԅ i+er_blF`l&j(eŇ)Z99G,F.纕4#k;+w`~-bQ)#">)79OnѰKbSdN+rgy"?U0`DDS6xSvkm {l[ge\(f8bDH FL̏OTGΙ˲)7Q ry8MYn}D;p^g8w9u,X[xς50f}Zd`2c1K8 C:FI'dw * k7{oBs47ET!fr8*}ǥy݊*g y d&\\I2 7)n,YN6Ao$dBrf:#@&ZN5z9kYP.k2jJB4ojWdp= ~;Fa6K5'A6ƒR2x%!g [.,*eάUSVݴ 4Vc{+I8Hd< ߥ簂R{V!͗3ƅviZty.䗎K ۰)~<+=y@,^[,},8aq4__{{{~wxD8Az[|bs-P?~̟3*0vT(IZBnF& -pS~dMw@t^A,Ӵve9}#ex=wI iIV?mnc#w_FF3#X#Wo](q󌣸_BBZT 0Y&5b}{%)$\yDpRoXFΈ;F⤾e5c=6SfL(Н`u<]v/oQDdZ =n@;_F¿ ֎RxjD|Wlq@7IV.]P||U݋IKD4#S`{9UdXb,B&;@sBXbBIcZKLQmq)N^}(IbT( ?/1OԆNz-5 `:YWn>),!"ڱ<6 T族l8FKrMi}duΠ}p#<^]"Se_\6Pb8*zr-)Ov*t{e6wrO)rdFcFZ$[P(^ 2Cjyn;Bf"uttQ,n7D+㦸yӫȒN\/[8j"Q%S͗GҥnF #b^[3BI+"SM{lÀ:GBYh(/Y$Y3Tf"1YRsWn)kܻKEd(/+F x+ƵCJZ7*-\DI~@66i:F2~** g6hjq6%lxkMkWc2/^$XLƪx6OSZM~$sg\# do:ܔҬneq:1 .(z}$3J'2\ 7•YsbN@QT3D4sII34cg OyP`45 _8F6ɐ plȍ6Jy x`&+}bS9u)̕;U},Ѱ)K}PRoJ)w?!ua%0LdȔVY2lKz1fJ8 O0e"5PBf䞷.GD|P9ឿ6@-P׫,o%_ Kl߰h@ʒ4`9HGW'9H~kD8ɐ̐#KzYPj[.kүS#lp ^!O{#-TA ѳuj B#f'Sw$X]Ǿ4ΥK2htċHU2R)VS,sKJ8^yoZRCG &Ru̢cq3X{2mm_$d$uMet]zC̜.-mI z#LִqMm"-_VL\&b+%A5B߳U-3ƔRK&OO?hae~8Fb=BbXXM[S-&׾2 s+xF GbV!g/kͮw6eKt0s|3 O](p5O+hy22a!, /N. 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