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Brenda Elliott, Ph.D., RN, CNE, ANEF

Assistant Professor of Nursing
Director, Graduate Program in Nursing




717-796-1800 x6054

Interest and areas of expertise

Military/veteran health, military/veteran students in nursing education, military nursing, qualitative research, home care.


BSN (Lycoming College)
MSN (Bloomsburg University)
Ph.D. (Widener University)

Classes I teach
  • NURS 305 - Nursing Research I
  • NURS 405 - Nursing Research II
  • NURS 530 - Teaching Methods for Clinical Practice in Nursing Education
  • NURS 531 - Nurse Educator: Leadership Role Development - Capstone

Dr. Brenda Elliott started her nursing career in the Army Nurse Corps from 1994 – 1998. She spent the majority of her clinical practice in home care and has experience teaching in traditional BSN, RN to BSN, MSN, and BSN to DNP programs. Her doctoral dissertation was a narrative study of military nurses’ experiences post-deployment. In 2020, Dr. Elliott served as lead editor for a book titled Veteran-centered care in education and practice: An essential guide for nursing faculty. The book earned two awards in 2021, Sigma Theta Tau 2021 Capstone International Nursing Book Award and AJN Book of the Year in the category of Nursing education/Continuing education/Professional development.

Dr. Elliott is a member of the National League for Nursing (NLN), American Nurses Association, Academy of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, and the Army Nurse Corps Association, for which she serves as a research grant reviewer. She also serves on the editorial board for Home Healthcare Now and as a peer reviewer for five nursing journals. In 2022 Dr. Elliott was selected and completed the NLN LEAD program. She was also inducted into the NLN Academy of Nursing Education Fellows. Dr. Elliott is a certified nurse educator and coordinates the MSN, CAGS, and RN to BSN programs.

Dr. Elliott and her husband Brian (U.S. Army COL, Retired) have four children and enjoy any activities where they can be outdoors.

Publications and Presentations


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (Eds.). (2021). Veteran-centered care in education and practice: An essential guide for nursing faculty. Springer Publishing.

Book Chapters

Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (2021). The importance of veterans health in nursing education. In Veteran-centered care in education and practice: An essential guide for nursing faculty (B. Elliott, K. A. Chargualaf, & B. Patterson, Eds.). Springer Publishing.

Elliott, B. (2021). Military culture and lifestyle. In Veteran-centered care in education and practice: An essential guide for nursing faculty (B. Elliott, K. A. Chargualaf, & B. Patterson, Eds.). Springer Publishing.

Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., & Patterson, B. (2021). Student veterans in higher education. In Veteran-centered care in education and practice: An essential guide for nursing faculty (B. Elliott, K. A. Chargualaf, & B. Patterson, Eds.). Springer Publishing.

Research Articles (limited to work completed 2022 – present)

Elliott, B., Sikes, D. L., Chargualaf, K. A., Patterson, B., Song, H., & Armstrong, M. L. (2024). Attitudes, knowledge, confidence, and comfort of nurses and nursing students caring for military veterans and their families. Journal of Professional Nursing, 54, 228 – 233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2024.07.008


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (2024). Supporting nursing faculty to teach veteran’s care: A mixed method, multi-intervention study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 21(1), 1 – 13. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijnes-2024-0003


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (2024). Using digital interventions to support faculty development and enhance learning transfer. Journal of Nursing Education. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20240425-03


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (2024). Influencing leadership in nursing education and practice: A qualitative study of military nurse officers. Nursing Outlook, 72(4), 102192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2024.102192


Ringhofer Brown, C., Elliott, B., Gipson, C. S., Holmstrom, J., & Stallings, D. (2024). RN-BS nursing education research: A scoping review. Nursing Education Perspectives, 45(4), 219 – 224. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000001228


Elliott, B., & Dyar, K. L. (2023). Purpose, planning, & individualization of MSN Capstone experiences: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(9), 502 - 508.


Chargualaf. K. A., Patterson, B., Elliott, B., Sikes, D. L., Song, H., & Armstrong, M. L. (2023). Faculty perspectives of teaching and facilitating learning transfer in VBSN programs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 44, 54 – 61.


Elliott, B., Burt, S., & Lahr, J. (2023). Walking into a COVID petri dish: Home care providers experiences during a pandemic. Home Healthcare Now, 41(1), 16 – 23.


McMillan, L. R., Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. A. (2022). Above and beyond the call of duty: Rural home care and hospice nurses’ experiences caring for veterans. Home Healthcare Now, 40(1), 19 - 26.


Chargualaf, K. A., Patterson, B., & Elliott, B. (2022). Veterans competencies in nursing textbooks: Implications for educators. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(1), E2 – E7.


Other Publications

Lovelace, C., & Elliott, B. (in press). Care considerations for veterans in rural communities. MedSurg Nursing, 33(4). https://doi.org/10.62116/MSJ.2024.33.4.XXX


Elliott, B. (2024). A day in the life of…A home care researcher. Home Healthcare Now, 43(4), 250. https://doi.org/10.1097/NHH.0000000000001273


Burt, S., & Elliott, B. (2024). Disaster preparedness in home care: Moving beyond the checklists. Home Healthcare Now, 42(2), 90 – 95. https://doi.org/10.1097/NHH.0000000000001240


Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. A. (2024, May/June). Being prepared to care for veterans: A case study approach. MedSurg Nursing, 33(3), 153 - 154.


Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., & Patterson, B. (2024). RN-BSN curricula and veteran care competencies: Recommendations for bridging gaps. Teaching and Learning in Nursing.


Lucas, M., & Elliott, B. (2023). Safety considerations for home care providers: Are you prepared? Home Healthcare Now, 41(5), 256 - 262.


Elliott, B. (2023, Sept/Oct). Disaster preparedness: Lessons learned in a military context applied to a civilian context. MedSurg Nursing, 32(5), 328 – 329.


Patterson, B. J., Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. A. (2022). Launching a successful program of research in nursing education [Editorial]. Nursing Education Perspectives, 43(6), 341 - 342.


Elliott, B. (2022, Sept/Oct). Posttraumatic growth in military veterans: Applying research to civilian nursing practice. MedSurg Nursing, 31(5), 333 – 334.


Slabaugh, K., & Elliott, B. (2022). Making time and being present: Spiritual care revisited. Home Healthcare Now, 40(3), 154 - 158.




Cotner, S., Horst, J., Keller, E., Morse, N., Ramsay, J., Richards, C., & Elliott, B. (2024, April 18). Evidence-based recommendations to decrease firearm-related suicides by veterans in the United States. [Poster session]. 2024 WellSpan Health Collaborative EBP and Nursing Research Conference, Harrisburg, PA, United States.


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (2024, April 12). Integration of veteran-centered content into nursing curricula: A faculty workshop and digital intervention [Conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International - Eta Beta Chapter Spring Research Day, Philadelphia, PA, United States.


Sikes, D. L., Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., Patterson, B. J., Song, H., & Armstrong, M. L. (2024, Jan 29 – Feb 1). Lessons learned from research on student veterans’ transition to nursing education. [Conference session]. 2024 NASPA Symposium on Military-Connected Students. Louisville, KY, USA.


Evans, C. A., Patterson, B., Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Baumberger-Henry, M. L. (2023, Nov 30 – Dec 1). [Conference session]. 2023 AACN Transform, Lake Buena Vista, FL, United States.


Elliott, B., Sikes, D.L., Chargualaf, K. A., Patterson, B., & Song, H. (2023, Nov 30 – Dec 1). Leading nursing education in understanding military culture and caring for veterans. [Conference session]. 2023 AACN Transform, Lake Buena Vista, FL, United States.


Ringhofer Brown, C., Elliott, B., Gipson, C. S., Holmstrom, J., & Stallings, D. (2023, Nov 11 – 15). The status of nursing education research in RN-BSN programs: What does the evidence tell us? [Conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International 47th Biennial Convention, San Antonio, TX, United States.


Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., & Patterson, B. (2023, Nov 11 – 15). Preparing current and future nurses to provide veteran-centered care. [Conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International 47th Biennial Convention, San Antonio, TX, United States.


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & Patterson, B. (2023, Sept 28 – 30). Strategies to support faculty scholarship through professional generosity. [Poster session]. NLN Education Summit, National Harbor, MD, United States.


Burt, S., Elliott, B., & Lahr, J. (2023, Aug 2 - 4). Supporting providers’ health and well-being: Insights working in a homecare environment through a pandemic. [Virtual conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International’s 34th International Research Congress, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.


Blevins, S., Hagenbuch, E., Keller, R., Putt, L., Roach, M., Smucker, S., Welsh, T., & Elliott, B. (2023, April 18). The use of ICU diaries to decrease psychological sequela in adults. [Poster session]. 2023 WellSpan Health Collaborative EBP and Nursing Research Conference, Harrisburg, PA, United States.


Elliott, B., & Dyar, K. L. (2023, March 30 – April 1). Assessing MSN program outcomes through a capstone experience. [Conference session]. 2023 NLN Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC), Washington, DC, United States.


Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., Sikes, D. L., Patterson, B., Armstrong, M., & Song, H. (2023, March 30 – April 1). Teaching and facilitators of learning transfer in VBSN programs: Faculty perspectives. [Conference session]. 2023 NLN Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC), Washington, DC, United States.


Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. A. (2022, Dec 9). Integrating veteran-specific content into RN to BSN courses. [Virtual webinar]. National RN-Baccalaureate Forum.


McMillan, L. K., Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. A. (2022, Oct 14 – 16). Rural home care and hospice nurses’ experiences caring for veterans: A qualitative study. [Poster session]. ANCA 2022 Convention, Bethesda, MD, United States.


Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., & Patterson, B. (2022, Sept 29 – Oct 2). Aligning veteran and medical-surgical competencies to provide veteran-centered care. [Poster session]. 2022 AMSN Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, United States.


Elliott, B., Chargualaf, K. A., & McMillan, L. (2022, July 21 – 25). Nurses’ experiences caring for veterans in rural community settings. [Conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International’s 33rd International Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Elliott, B. (2022, July 21 – 25). Health risks associated with sojourning abroad: U.S. military spouses’ experiences living in Italy. [Pecha Kucha session]. Sigma Theta Tau International’s 33rd International Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Sikes, D. L., Patterson, B., Chargualaf, K. A., Elliott, B., & Song, H. (2022, July 21 – 25). Increasing nursing workforce with military veterans. [Conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International’s 33rd International Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.


McMillan, L. K., Elliott, B., & Chargualaf, K. A. (2022, March 24 - 26). Caring for veterans in rural communities: Personal and patient safety considerations. [Conference session]. Sigma Theta Tau International’s Creating Healthy Work Environments Conference. Washington, DC, United States.